Thursday, July 9, 2015

Nutritional Enlightenment

A woman can learn a lot about herself during the 9-10 months of pregnancy. You learn just how capable your body is and seeing what it can do and how it changes during pregnancy is really amazing. Some women have easier pregnancies than others; some love it, some don't enjoy it at all. But the end results, from what I'm told, is that it's all worth it.

For this pregnant lady, 33 weeks along (that's about 8 1/2 months for you math majors ;) ), the greatest thing I've learned so far is to let go. I have not had control of my changing body since late December when those telltale pregnancy symptoms starting to show up, before I confirmed my suspicions with a home pregnancy test. For someone with an anxiety disorder, letting go of control is not an easy task, and it can be down-right scary. I'm still not used to it, but it is teaching me a lot.

Tuesday of last week I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. My initial reaction was disappointment in myself and guilt that I might be harming my unborn baby. I knew that both of these thoughts were silly, because any woman with any sort of lifestyle can develop GD, and if you take the steps to monitor it, there is no harm to either you or your baby. Even so, it took me a few days to move past these feelings. My OB recommended that I test my glucose at least three times a day, including a fasting test first thing in the morning, for two weeks.

This Tuesday I met with the nutritionist I was referred to, and learned a bit more about how a body should process glucose, and what happens with GD and Type-2 Diabetes. I had to learn how to check my glucose levels with a glucometer. I was pretty scared at first, but it doesn't hurt THAT bad, and I'd much rather do this than that awful 3-hour glucose test I did the previous week (4 blood draws in 4 hours! Ouch!). I realized I was eating more carbs (even good carbs) than I thought and my portion sizes were a bit too much. I mean, who wants to eat just a half-cup of pasta, right?! Well, even though my eating habits were pretty good, and I eat pretty healthy most of the time, I learned I needed to make a few simple changes...and I'm already seeing results!

I started my glucose testing routine yesterday morning: Test first thing in the morning (fasting test), then an hour after breakfast, and again an hour after lunch or dinner. My numbers were a bit high in the morning (102) and after breakfast (155), but much better than the reading I got the previous morning at the nutritionist's office (175 an hour after breakfast). But dinner was right on an hour after dinner (140).

This morning I again tested first thing to get my fasting number, which was a great (they want it below 95, and I had a 98 reading), and an hour after breakfast I had a 143 reading (and they want meal readings 140 or below). Only three points too high for both which is great compared to the two previous days!

By being a little more mindful about my food combinations and portions in just 1 1/2 days thus far, I am already seeing these numbers decline. These little successes make me feel proud and I look forward to see these numbers decline more in the next two weeks. And hopefully, if they stay steady at normal levels, I won't have to continue to keep testing after the two weeks is up.

Even though developing GD was disappointing (even though it was out of my control), I am, in a strange way, grateful to have developed it because it is teaching me to really hold myself accountable for my eating habits with no excuses. Like I said, I eat pretty well, but I did learn I was consuming more carbs (good and bad) than I had realized and that my portion sizes were a bit high (which I knew).

On top of this GD journey, I signed up with a fitness coach through and received my exercise program, nutritional guide and recipe book, and food portion containers yesterday! I'm not sure how gung-ho  I will be with the exercising this late in pregnancy. From what I've seen, the workouts are pretty intense and it's not recommended that pregnant women start intensive workouts if they haven't already been doing them. Of course, this doesn't mean avoiding any activity altogether! I really ordered the program for post-partum fitness, so I'm looking forward to that! And as I mentioned, I have been eating larger portions than I should have been (only for my whole life!), so the portion containers will definitely help me with that. If I feel as though I have to hold my self accountable for something, I am more likely to succeed.

In my opinion, this minor pregnancy inconvenience has actually been a blessing.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Miracle on West 2nd Street

Tyrus, myself, and Brandon at Archimedes Gallery, Cannon Beach, OR

Not long before Tyrus and I moved to Tillamook, visual artist and musician Brandon Boyd announced on Facebook that he would be stopping in Cannon Beach for an intimate Q&A session, along with a book signing and photo ops. That's only an hour north from Tillamook along the beautiful Oregon Coast. As many of my close friends and my sister can tell you, I've been an avid fan of Incubus and Brandon Boyd himself since I first saw their "Pardon Me" video way back when. I think I had to read his post a few times before my brain could actually comprehend that this was in fact going to happen and not just a dream.  As I write this, I still cannot believe that we were there, but I'm sure glad we were.

In the late afternoon of Friday, October 3rd we drove up the coast to Cannon Beach, not sure what to expect on a beautiful Friday evening in a popular coastal town. We walked around the main avenue to find Archimedes Gallery, where the event was to take place. As I looked one way and Tyrus looked another, I saw someone three feet away who looked very familiar although I knew we had not met before. We locked eyes and gave friendly smiles and both went on our ways with our partners hand in hand. Brandon Boyd sure has a great smile.

We decided to get a bite to eat before the event and found a quaint little pizza parlor across from the gallery, although we just snacked on salad. Arriving a bit early to the gallery, we got our seats in the front row of metal fold-out chairs, shocked that these seats were still available.

A piece of Brandon's artwork hung as the backdrop of where he sat for the Q&A.

In usual musician fashion, the guest of honor arrived from his trek around Cannon Beach a bit late, though no one seemed to mind as the room was filled with excitement. The host announced the arrival and entrance of Mr. Boyd and we all welcomed him with a round of applause and smiles. I kept reminding myself to breathe.

He sat there in front of us welcoming and thanking everyone for coming, and asked how we all were. Many responded with joy and out of nowhere I spoke up and asked casually how he was doing. I couldn't believe I was saying it as I was speaking. He turned his attention to me, smiled and said he was doing great; that this was his first visit to the Oregon Coast and described how beautiful it is. I responded to him all smiley describing how we had just moved here two weeks ago and are also amazed at the beauty of it all. To my surprise he continued the conversation by asking where we had moved from, and of course I responded. I continued to ask myself, "Is this really happening?" while remaining calm on the outside.

During the Q&A session we were invoked by Brandon to ask him anything. People asked him all sorts of great questions. They seemed prepared. I had to no idea what I was going to ask him until someone else's question resulted in a very loud epiphany as if God himself was yelling it from the heavens. So I raised my hand. He turned my way, flashed another great smile, and said, "Yes?" in his continued cool and friendly manner.

As I started to ask my question I prayed I wouldn't forget what I was asking as I was speaking, nor that I should fumble my words -- something I'm known to do when I get nervous. In one perfect sentenced I managed to ask:

"As an introspective and creative person, what advice can you give to people like me and my husband who are also introverted and creative, who have a hard time finding their place in the world?"

Dear Lord, I cannot believe such an amazing question came out of my mouth. This very well may be my only opportunity in life to ask him a question and I freaking nailed it!

Stock photo from the internets of Brandon working on one of my favorite pieces by him.

I listened intently and with a smile while he told me that he understands what I mean. It's difficult for people like us to be heard or noticed. Sometimes it feels hopeless, that we fear we may never find our place in the universe. But the single greatest thing he said to me was this:

"Just be you."

He went on to say to me to be myself because soon the tables might turn and people who are introverted will probably be the new trend. We both smiled and I replied, "That might be a good or bad thing." He laughed shyly and said, "That's very true. Good point." I thanked him for his time and finally allowed someone else to ask a question.

After the Q&A session, we all stood in line for the book signing and photo op. Tyrus and I didn't wait long, although it was long enough for Tyrus to generate a great question to ask Brandon about the universe. Tyrus prefers to keep this conversation private though because it is quite personal to him, so it's just between the three of us :) Needless to say, Brandon understood the question, having experienced the same thing himself. We chatted for several minutes, laughed, and had many pictures taken thanks to the great staff of the Archimedes Gallery. 

Suddenly he reached over and poked by shoulder and quietly with curiosity said, "Oh..." I was wearing a sheer white top that hung off my left shoulder with a tank top underneath. He spotted a bit of my tattoo on my left arm. I replied, "Oh yeah! Do you want to see it?" And with a tone of excitement he replied, "Well, of course!" So I proceeded to take my arm out of the sleeve and extended my arm towards him. Not knowing that one of the staff of the gallery was taking pictures at this moment, we later found out he caught the perfect moment and Brandon's killer reaction to the artwork on my arm:

After a few awesome minutes of studying my tattoo and some great compliments from THE MAN himself, we thanked him for his time and went on our way in disbelief and awe.

He is an amazing soul who is very humble and grateful for his achievements. I always suspected he would be a down-to-earth person, and he truly is. Although I was very excited to meet him, he was very easy to talk to -- like talking to an old friend. The three of us really connected on some cosmic level and I have often wondered since if perhaps we knew each other in another life. That is not to say others at the gallery did not have similar experiences, but that was ours and it was extraordinary.

"Not Ebola."
I asked him to draw a doodle after he signed, which he did. He then said his doodle looked like Ebola, so he wrote "Not Ebola" with an arrow pointing at the doodle. The three of us obviously thought that was hilarious.

Having the opportunity to meet a musician and visual artist that I have admired for almost half of my life is an experience I am truly grateful for. Meeting Brandon Boyd was absolutely phenomenal, though that word -phenomenal- does not even begin to describe how it truly felt. I thanked him for his superb answer to my question, although I may never really be sure that he knows just how much his words mean to me and that his kindness and introspection has truly changed my life forever. 

Dear Brandon, I truly hope we all meet again, if not in another gathering to admire your creative genius, than to just shoot the breeze about the universe and all its wonderment.

Me and my hero.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

That moment when...

That moment when you who have the realization that it's time for a bold, life-changing move. Literally.

For the past few months I have been developing a list of activities to do before I turn 30 this November. I came up with some great things I'd like to accomplish, but the list was not the life-changing group of ideas I was looking for. All of the items on "the list" are activities that can be done any day, any time. It's not to say that these are not things I'd like to do after all...I do. I just had this nagging feeling that this was not exactly what my soul was longing for. 

Having just returned from the coast, I already longed to return as soon as possible. Thankfully, I have been blessed with a husband who knows how to listen and even has the uncanny ability to pick up key hints, even if the hints are not purposefully being sent out into the atmosphere. Soon after my complaint of our return to reality, The Hubs surprised me with a long weekend back in Seaside, Oregon at a beautiful resort hotel FREE OF COST thanks to a very lovely pharmacist (who happened to own a timeshare at the resort in Seaside) Hubster knows at the hospital where he works! I was of course elated at the thought of our return within a few months to my favorite place on Earth: the beach.

About a month after our return from the previous trip to the coast, as life would have it, events occurred that pushed (and I mean PUSHED!) us into making a major decision to better our lives. A few long conversations with each other later, and the choice was made. 

Yes folks, in approximately 1.5 months yours truly and The Great Hambino are 

                                                  MOVING TO THE OREGON COAST! 

You are about as surprised as I was. This move was within our 5-year plan, but never did we imagine it would happen so soon, but things are in place and a plan has been made. We hope you are as excited as we are!

In all honesty, we don't belong in Tacoma. We never have. We've tried to belong; we've tried to fit in. We just don't and that's okay. We belong at the beach. Any beach. But the Oregon coast has amazing beaches that we're very fond of and have talked for so long about moving there.

We will be landing in Tillamook and stay with family for some time while we find work and I get settled in school there. In no time at all we hope to reach our beach life goal by moving to Seaside, where I ultimately hope to work as an LPN in their hospital or many medical offices. 

One thing we are most excited for when we are settled is receiving all of you as guests! Who doesn't love a weekend at the beach with free lodging?!

We look forward to this new chapter in our life together in creating an environment that is as peaceful and relaxing as possible, with some hard work on the side (we all know we can't play if we don't work, right?)!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fear and Loathing It

It's been, ohhh, about 4 months since I've written anything here...This is what I have to say today:

Fear has stopped me from doing a lot of things in my life.

Fear has stopped me from deciding on a career path.

Fear has stopped me from taking the first step of a career path.

Mostly what I fear is failing. I am competitive and afraid of failure. I am not the competitive type that naturally does whatever it takes to succeed. I am the type that fears failure, therefore avoids it. But by fearing failure I have failed myself.

This has basically gotten me nowhere. Yes, I have a good job with great hours that pays a livable wage...and I'm very grateful for it after not having been employed for a looong time due to the economy, like a lot of Americans. But that's a post for a different day. What I mean is that while I am grateful for everything I do have, it is not where I want to be in life. Tyrus and I work very hard, as do most people, for what we have, but we want more. We want successful and fulfilling careers, new(er) car(s) and a modern dwelling. We want to be able to afford vacations out of the Pacific Northwest! We love it, but Europe has been calling our names for years! We want the future!

What all of this boils down to in my mind is this: I am tired of fearing that I will fail. I know that I am intelligent. I know I am capable of many great things. I just have to do what it is I want to do and not look back.

Remember that great TV show, ER, on NBC Thursdays @ 10? I used to watch that show every week for years with my mom. That show along with great stories from my mom and others made me want to be a nurse. As long as I can remember I have wanted to be a nurse.

I know, I know...I change my career path every two weeks. Again, fear plays a part. My greatest fear of being a nurse is NOT needles and blood. Blood has never bothered me and I recently got over my fear of needles when I received a TDap vaccine and had blood drawn. No, my greatest fear of being a nurse is making one simple mistake with a patient which results in injury or DEATH. That really scares me. Having someones life in my hands scares me. If something happens to a patient because of human error, MY error, how can I possibly live with that?! This fear had completely stopped me altogether from pursuing a nursing career. And here I am today.

I realize I have gone back and forth a thousand times about what career I want to have. I'm sure this has been annoying. It has certainly been annoying to me. I have many, many interests and I know I could be successful at any of them.

After having a blindingly obvious epiphany today, I have decide, once and for freaking all, I would really love to be a nurse. Deep down under all that fear and illogical thinking (it is true that someone who is highly logical can be very illogical) I have never stopped wanting to be a nurse. Every career path I have thought about, I have asked myself, "Does this give me the ability to help someone?" and "Will I find it fulfilling?" Some yes, some no. I think the answers to this one are obvious.

My epiphany sort of went something like this:

"You aren't going to get anywhere in life if you don't step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself."


"You want to be a mother and would do your best to take care of your child. If you know you are able to successful raise a child, you are able to take care of others."

Well, that's a good point.

"You have to stop being afraid of failure. Think of all the people you know who haven't tried because they're afraid or they have no goals. You don't want to be them."


And finally, "Just freaking do it!"

So I did.

I took the first step in the right direction by applying to TCC today. When I am admitted I will then take Step 2. I think that to avoid getting overwhelmed or risking fear I will just continue to take it one step at a time.

I would really love to thank one of my dearest and oldest friends, who is really more of a sister, Adrienne Goldey. It was her decision to become a nurse that, for the last few months, has had me again thinking of going into nursing. So Adrienne...THANK YOU!!!

Regardless if any of you believe I will follow through, I feel very happy and humbled by my epiphany and I plan to see this goal through.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

For the love of...

Cooking. I love to cook. I like trying new recipes I find online and in books. There is something very gratifying about preparing a delicious meal (or dessert!) and enjoy the very tasty results with pride. Cooking makes me very happy and gives me something to do and look forward to. I haven't done any REAL cooking in quite some time for a variety of reasons, but I'm back baby!

As a finicky eater, a foodie if you will, with a few allergies and a distaste (ha!) for meat of all kinds I find it more inconvenient to eat out at restaurants and I refuse to eat fast food...unless it's Taco Del Mar...because they have fresh ingredients made in-house and almost everything can be made vegan. And their food is frickin' delicious.

Over the years I've learned to cook with fresh ingredients and substitute one thing I don't like or can't eat with something better or with less of a chance of making me sick. Food prices have risen but paychecks basically have remained the same, calling for us fresh-food snobs to rethink ingredients.

These days you can find high-quality frozen foods at stores like Trader Joe's and Metropolitan Market. Recently Tyrus made a dinner consisting of Trader Joe's frozen fried rice with veggies and pan-fried tofu. It's was VERY delicious, only cost about $4 and fed three very hungry people. Do I prefer fresh veggies and fried rice? Of course! But sometimes we have to make budget cuts. If you find great high-quality frozen foods that work for you, it's a great alternative!

Tonight I'll be preparing this recipe for dinner. I may even add vermicelli noodles for a more pho-like experience.

Bon appétit!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Season of Giving

Good morning everyone and Merry Christmas! The time is nine o'clock Christmas morning and everyone I hope is in good cheer. It is the season of giving (and receiving) so we should be grateful for what we have and what we can give.

Christmas has become a month-long celebration with good intentions and whether or not you celebrate "the reason for the season", Christmas is also about giving to others. However commercialized the holiday has become, we all can still find it within ourselves to find meaning and make memories.

Whether you buy your gifts, make them, or your gifts come in the form of acts of kindness, it shouldn't matter. We all celebrate in different ways. We're all different and our traditions are different from one another. I have a different goal every year it seems. One year I'll make gifts. The next I'll give gifts of things I have and no longer need like books I think suit people. And another year I'll do the mall thing.To me it depends on my budget and creativity. But I have to say that the gifts I have made in the past seem to have been the most appreciated because they do take a lot of time and more money than you would think.

However you celebrate the holiday season (yes, there IS more than one holiday this time of year), do it with love and kindness. If you cannot go to a shelter or food bank to volunteer this time of year, make it a goal to do so in the new year. Open the door for someone. Or just give a kind smile.

Whatever you do, do it with love and be safe!

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

'Tis The Season

No matter your political beliefs, we are all aware that the economy is still hitting people hard. The last few holiday seasons Tyrus and I have forgone getting each other gifts so that we were able to provide gifts for our loved ones. Things are still tight for us, as it is for so many, but we are better off now than we have been in recent years and will in fact be able to get each other Christmas gifts for the first time in 3 years. That being said we do feel blessed to be in a better position than before and will continue to work hard and save money for the spring quarter of school. We may not be where we want to be in life right now, but we really are feeling blessed to have a place to live, steady jobs, and each other.

In the spirit of the season we would like to give something back.

Pumpkin pie. The staple of holiday dinners (in my opinion :) ). I wait all year to eat pumpkin pie. Definitely a highlight for me!

The pie I made for Thanksgiving was an absolute hit with everyone and it went fast! So...I thought we should spread the joy:

We would like to offer a homemade pumpkin pie to someone or a family you know who is down on their luck and could use a bit of holiday cheer. We would like to give pies to people who don't have much money for their holiday dinner, are alone this season, or just need some cheer.

The pumpkin pie filling is homemade with canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie mix), with nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger. The crust is a dairy-free pre-made frozen pie crust made with organic and natural ingredients that is honestly the BEST pie crust I've ever had. It is moist and flavorful, not dry and tasteless. These pies taste so much better than any store bought pie I've had. You definitely cannot tell my pumpkin pie is dairy free. ALL INGREDIENTS ARE ORGANIC :)

Due to our budget we are only able to give away 10 pies as this time. The pies will be made the week of December 17 and will be frozen upon delivery/pick-up. Baking instructions will be included.

Please let us know by December 13th via phone, email, or Facebook if there is someone you would like to give a pumpkin pie to.

Happy Holidays!